Thursday, April 1, 2010

Critical Thinking

I have learned that writing is and always will be an important part of my personal and professional life. Whether it may be a personal letter or and academic or professional writing, you must adhere to successful writing strategies. There are differences between writing a formal writing and a informal writing. A formal writing requires a more sophisticated style of writing so you really have to look closely at the writing and be sure to cite your sources to show where you obtained your information and to give the author/ authors credit for their work, so that you do not plagiarize. This information should always include the year in which it was written. Be sure that the information is reliable evidence that can be proven and that it comes to a logical conclusion. I must start with critical thinking to capture a clear concise thesis statement that points out key points of the topic that you are going to discuss. Use quotations, paraphrasing and summarizing, pre-writing techniques to write the paper with confidence, direction and a purpose for writing. It is important to cite your sources properly and avoid plagiarism. The APA citation format should be used. The main steps for a final draft is the topic, purpose, thesis statement and the supporting evidence which gives the writer directions to complete the paper. Now the paper is ready to be organized. Peer review and feedback helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses about your writing. Be sure to write effective introductions and conclusions. Absorbing and evaluating feedback can be very helpful. But it all starts and ends with critical thinking.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Friends are very valuable to have. It would be a lonely world without them. Your friends should include your parents, children, your spouse and others within your family. But I am speaking of friends that are not of your family, but ones that mean as much to you as your family. As I get older, As I think of them, I realize that so many of them are gone already. Oh, how I miss them. I have usually been fortunate enough to encounter great friends that really hold true to our friendship. No matter how far away we may go from one another, we stay in contact with each other. That is so important! Whether it is a prayer for them, a kind word, a card, a call, a visit, a dinner or other activity out with them, flowers, a gift or some other thoughtful gesture, just that thought or action could prove to mean so much to someone that is dear to you. Do not miss the opportunity to prove your love to them before it is too late!

Friday, February 26, 2010

One Beautiful Day

We have had much snow, rain and ice during the last few weeks but today has offered us some relief from the bad weather. It has been a beautiful day here in North Carolina today. I have spent another entire day researching materials and writing so that I can prepare a final report. I am very tired and I am ready to lie down and rest. But if I continue to do my work tonight, just maybe I can go outside and enjoy some of the day light tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Quiet and Peaceful Day

This is one of the times in my life when I can truly appreciate peace and quit. Yesterday, I worked for many hours to study for quizzes and exams. But it seemed to be a bit more noisy and more people moving around. Today I will be doing research most of the day so that I can began on two academic research papers for two different courses. This should be fun!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Finally able to blog again

Well I have finally located my last post to the blog. Learning how to get in and out of this web page has been quite challenging for me. Hopefully I will get the hang of things soon so that I can continue to enjoy the blogspot. I have been very busy studying today and maybe tomorrow will offer me some relief.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My name is Diane. I worked as a nurse for many years and now I have return to college so that I can pursue a career in Medical Office Management. I am the mother of five wonderful young adults. I am the grandmother of nineteen beautiful grand children and just recently I have been blessed with my first great grand daughter. I am the oldest of seven siblings and I am fortunate to be able to say that my mother, stepfather and grandmother are still alive and they are doing well. Among them are several nieces, nephews, cousins, uncles and I have two more aunts that are living in our family. I am so thankful for my family. I love them very much. Hopefully I will be able to make a difference in the lives of my family and others as I continue in my career.